hampton + olive
an online baby & toddler boutique.
Orders are shipped approximately 2-4 weeks after the order is placed.
We use the following carriers to deliver our orders: USPS.
Order Tracking
If a tracking # is provided by the shipping carrier, we will update your order with the tracking information and you will receive a confirmation email that your order has shipped.
Shipping Rates
FREE shipping on all US orders over $50 - use code FREESHIP at checkout. International orders have a $10 shipping fee.
Back Orders
If an item goes on back order we will ship you the part of your order that is in stock. When the item becomes available we will ship you the rest of your order. You will not be charged any additional shipping and handling for the second shipment.
How To Return an Item
We will accept returns if there are any defect/damages to your item. We are happy to do exchanges if your item does not fit! Your item must be in its original unused condition. You must return the item within 30 days of your purchase. You will be responsible for paying for return shipping.
Please email hamptonandolive@gmail.com to request a refund.
Return Exceptions
Merchandise that has been worn, used, or altered will not be accepted for return or exchange.
If your clothing item is in like new condition, you may exchange your clothing item for a different size or color. You will not be subject to a restocking fee, but you still will have to pay return shipping.